Save On Your Student Loans
If you have federal student loans and work for the government or a nonprofit, you may be able to reduce your monthly payments and then receive forgiveness for the remaining amount. WorkMoney partner, Savi, can help you navigate the complex federal student loan forgiveness program.
Start here to see how much you could save, then head over to Savi to continue. It’s free to use their personal repayment calculator and see if you’re eligible for loan forgiveness. If you want help along the way there’s a fee that ranges between $5-$10 a month.
Disclaimer: Student Loan Processing Delays
Due to a recent legal injunction, federal student loan servicers have temporarily paused processing Income-Driven Repayment (IDR) applications, including SAVE/REPAYE plans. This may cause significant delays. Borrowers may still apply through services like Savi, but should expect longer processing times.
Some borrowers may be placed into administrative forbearance, during which no payments are required. If you’re pursuing Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), explore options like the PSLF Buyback during this period.
The On Ramp to Repayment and Fresh Start programs end on September 30. Make you're enrolled in a repayment plan by October 1 to avoid missed payments.